7 Powerful Mobile Marketing Strategies for eCommerce Businesses

ecommerce service provider

Mobile marketing refers to the aggregate of marketing tactics, tools, and strategies to communicate with and engage the target audience on their mobile phones. This approach is all the more necessary for an ecommerce service provider or an online store because consumers are increasingly using smartphones for a wide range of daily activities. From checking email, instant messaging, and video calling, to digital payments, social media access, and using search engines to find what they want, smartphones provide multiple touchpoints for ecommerce businesses to promote their products and services. These zehra gunes include mobile-optimized email marketing, promotional SMSs, WhatsApp marketing, mobile app optimization, responsive web design, voice, and smartphone-centric search marketing, PPC ads, social media marketing, and so on.

How can an Ecommerce Service Provider benefit from Mobile Marketing?

Today, a majority of internet users spend far more time on their smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches as compared to larger devices like laptops and PCs. Hence, to enhance their online visibility and revenue, ecommerce businesses have to tweak their existing digital marketing techniques as well as initiate new strategies like mobile app marketing. Ecommerce service providers that miss out on targeting smartphone/tablet users will end up losing a sizeable chunk of their market share to competitors. Furthermore, a well-planned mobile marketing campaign offers the following benefits:-

  1. Direct Access and Instant Delivery– Promotional SMSs, push notifications, and WhatsApp business messages involve marketing messages being sent forth directly to prospects with minimal barriers and in real-time.
  2. BudgetFriendly- Voice search optimization, video marketing, and mobile-friendly social media marketing are the best examples of mobile marketing techniques that yield high returns with less investment.
  3. Higher Conversion Probability– The convenience of smartphone transactions makes it easier for ecommerce stores to convert visitors. Be it a strategically placed link on an affiliate site, an enticing PPC ad, or a ‘deal of the day’ flash notification, users are only a few taps away from purchasing.
  4. Effective Local Targeting and Geofencing– Optimizing for relevant local search keywords (including the voice search) and demarcating areas within the geographical zone for precision-driven targeting can steer immediate queries/leads.

7 Cutting-Edge Ecommerce Mobile Marketing Strategies

  1. Mobile-Optimized Website and App Content– Mobile/tablet browsing is completely different from desktop browsing. The font, background, content layout, navigation, and overall UX has to be mobile-friendly. Overall, the content should be concise, impactful, easy to read, and swipe.
  2. Data-Driven App Store Optimization– Merely developing and launching an ecommerce app is not going to attract users. Amidst the extremely high competition, app store optimization is necessary to gain higher reviews and ratings. 
  3. SMS and WhatsApp Marketing– With immediate, glitch-free deliverability and the ability to send out mass-scale messages, both promotional SMSs and WhatsApp business forwards are excellent mobile marketing strategies. 
  4. Paying Heed to Mobile Voice Search and Digital Assistants– Close to one-third of Google users rely on voice search instead of keying in their search queries. With the increasing popularity of digital voice assistants like Alexa and Siri, the instances of voice search on smartphones will increase. Using niche-specific, conversational keywords is necessary to reach out to the target audience. 
  5. GPS-powered Push Notifications– Ecommerce businesses can enable GPS-powered push notifications for effective geotargeting as well as microtargeting. While conventional local SEO is based on optimizing keywords for a specific city or locality, smart device notifications will have a more precise impact, based on the exact user location. 
  6. A Diverse, yet Strategic Ad Campaign– A tactical combination of PPC ads on SERPs, banner ads on relevant websites, and social media ads can be highly effective for mobile app marketing company. The ad copy and media should comply with the extremely short attention span of smartphone users to create an immediate impact.
  7. Innovative Video Marketing– Video viewing is amongst the most common activities for smartphone users. It won’t be far-fetched to say that it has become an addictive activity for many. Ecommerce businesses can take advantage of this by creating and sharing fascinating and compelling videos with crucial CTAs.


In the post-Covid-19 world, the realm of ecommerce is bustling with opportunities. Smartphone usage, one-tap mobile payments, and high-speed internet connectivity are heralding an online shopping revolution. Online retailers and ecommerce entrepreneurs must ace the mobile marketing game to get ahead and grab a big slice of the pie. As smart devices get smarter and the consumer becomes more discerning, collaborating with an experienced digital marketing team is recommended for a top-notch ecommerce mobile marketing campaign.

Author Bio: – Rudra Kumar is an Assistant General Manager of search operations at Techmagnate with more than 10+ years of experience in search engine optimisation. He has helped many businesses in growing revenue via search engines of his strengths.


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