Online Quran Academy – Providing Online Islamic and Quranic Teachings

Online Quran Academy

As an Online Quran Academy, we provide students with interactive tools that allow them to learn the Quran at their own pace, regardless of where they are in the world. Our live classes with qualified Islamic teachers allow students to ask questions about Quranic verses, which further reinforces their understanding of what they’re reading and listening to. We’ve partnered with foreign language experts so our courses can be offered in over 20 languages and we plan to add more as time goes on.

Why choose Online Quran Academy?
As the world becomes increasingly connected, more people are looking for ways to learn Islam from the comfort of their own home. The Online Quran Academy provides a platform where Muslims can access lessons, videos, lectures and other resources all at their convenience. We believe that modern technology has the potential to transform teaching, learning and exploring in new and exciting ways. It is our goal to use this platform as an open forum for dialogues on many topics related to the Islamic faith, including spirituality, theology and science among others.

Courses offered
We offer a variety of courses, which vary in difficulty. If you have never studied the Holy Quran before, you can start with our most basic course that covers the basics of reciting the Holy Quran.
We also offer more advanced courses for those who are ready to take their studies one step further. Our advanced courses cover lessons on grammar, morphology, syntax, philology, rhetoric, literary criticism and more.

Learning through real life examples
The online Quran academy teaches students through real life examples of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the form of stories, videos, illustrations, and simulations. The academy provides a safe space for Muslim youth where they can learn about Islam from a first-hand perspective without being judged by their peers. We also provide guidance on how to interact with people who may not share the same beliefs. Our staff is composed of experienced teachers and scholars who have been trained in various fields including leadership, business management, teaching techniques, educational curriculum design, counseling psychology and many more.

How Does it Work?
The Online Quran Academy offers online Quranic and Islamic teaching classes, with an option of a one-on-one session. The one-on-one sessions are led by certified teachers through Skype or FaceTime. You will be able to connect with your tutor on a personal level in order to get the most out of your lesson. With this option, you’ll be able to ask any questions you may have about the lesson so that you can gain a better understanding of what was taught that day. We work together with our team to ensure that the content is delivered at an appropriate level for all learners. All courses are aligned with core US standards so that our students can continue on with their education after leaving us!


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