Chronic Fatigue: A Silent parasite 

Chronic Fatigue

The subject of fatigue is very simple. The sensation of exhaustion and inability to function. It leads to reduced mental and work performance. This topic is so monotonous and mundane, yet highly overlooked. 

Do you feel constantly tired after resting? Do you feel exhausted after performing the bare minimum of activities? 

You’ve arrived if you’re sick of analysing the answers to these questions. 

Stress and a hectic lifestyle are not the only factors responsible. If you are ready to dive in, the problem with this population is the lack of focus. This “multitasking generation” enjoys trying everything and ends up losing efficiency. This is what makes people so tired all the time. They can’t smile or even acknowledge each other. 

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We’re all tired because of our hectic schedules. But there is a difference if you are constantly feeling exhausted and it starts taking a toll on your daily activities. It is worrisome. No, you are not lazy; this is a chronic health issue. You may have chronic fatigue syndrome if you face extreme exhaustion that lasts for 6 months or longer. 

Additional indicators include: 

  • waking up weary in the morning, 
  • waking up frequently at night for no apparent reason,
  •  having trouble multitasking, 
  • feeling dizzy, or just wanting to lie or sit again, and Following
  • having trouble meeting home or work obligations.

Fatigue is more common in women than in men. It is because of the physiological differences between them. The mild symptoms can be easily managed. But those who experience moderate to severe symptoms face real difficulties. Anyone can be prone to this fatigue. Even children and young teens are susceptible to fatigue. But if your symptoms are particularly severe, they could be harmful to your health. As serious as any form of cardiovascular illness or rheumatoid arthritis.

What causes fatigue? 

The first step to finding a solution is to know the cause. There are better ways to deal with tiredness than to drink an energy drink or take a nap. The following are possible reasons for your constant exhaustion 

Improper diet

Food and meals should be fulfilling. It should be enjoyable. A burger and coke, on the other hand, are delicious but unhealthy. Everyone knows this, but given the option, anyone would choose a burger over a salad. Fatigue-fighting foods are similar to those that your physician suggests. Whole grains, veggies, lean proteins, and complex carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice, beans, and oats are good choices.


If you are feeling tired before a nap, try a glass of water. Many studies state that not consuming enough water makes you feel drained. 

Too much exercise

Exercise is essential in an ideal world, but too much of anything is toxic. So even extreme exercise can exhaust you to your core. Your body must get enough rest after a good, intense workout. 

Extreme stress 

Stress has a lot of known physical effects. Heart disease, stroke, depression, hypertension, and headaches have all been associated with it in research. It has clear effects on your ability to get enough rest and keep a good mood throughout the day. Chronic stress happens when it lasts for days or when you go through a lot of stressful or anxious situations

Generally tired

Not getting enough sleep and constantly working out causes exhaustion and low energy levels. Late nights, early mornings, and prioritising other tasks over sleep may start to influence your daytime performance. 

Underlying medical causes/ medications

If your fatigue persists for up to 6 months, you should consult your doctor for any possible medical conditions like anaemia.

Other medical conditions that cause fatigue are: 

  • Disease and infection: Kidney disease and various cancers lead to extreme tiredness. 
  • Mental health conditions: Depression and anxiety can be draining and tiresome. 
  • Autoimmune disorders: Diabetes, lupus, and Rheumatoid arthritis can cause fatigue
  • Hormonal imbalance: They play a crucial role in making you feel tired. Certain cases of Hypothyroidism also cause fatigue in patients. 
  • Heart and Lung problems: Various cardiovascular diseases causes fatigue like -CHF, COPD
  • Weight problems and eating disorders cause fatigue too. 

There may be many more hidden issues at play, but there hasn’t been nearly enough investigation to know for sure. As a result, you shouldn’t just chalk it up to being weary in general. It has the potential to be harmful. 

Identifying the symptoms

The symptoms vary from individual to individual. However, there are some peculiar ones to help you recognize chronic fatigue. You need to be watchful of the following symptoms: 

  1. Feeling tired even after being well-rested. 
  2. Chronic insomnia
  3. Extreme exertion after activities. 
  4. Heart palpitations (irregularities/arrhythmias) 
  5. Difficulty in concentrating 
  6. Low energy levels
  7. eyesight problems or seeing spots
  8. persistent headaches
  9. lymph nodes in the armpits and neck that are enlarged
  10. Joint discomfort without erythema or edema

To this date, there are no diagnostic tests to determine chronic fatigue. The doctor will have to run some blood tests and sleep tests through a polysomnogram. 

Additionally, CBCs and urine tests are performed to rule out kidney issues. The healthcare provider will run a check-through of your medical history to review the prescriptions. 

Treatment options 

We’ve already discussed how fatigue is caused and how it feels. The main story to address is how to cope with and treat this condition. A lack of energy can make even the simplest of daily activities a challenge. This may cause you to be warier, less outgoing, and even lonely at times. 

Currently, there are no solid treatment options available. Therefore, the medical practitioner will try to rule out other supporting medical complications. This will eventually reduce the intensity of the symptoms. 

  • Heart disease, arthritis, anaemia, diabetes, thyroid, and sleep apnea are just a few illnesses that are associated with fatigue. If you find that you are excessively tired, you should see a doctor.
  • Temporary fatigue will resolve itself with good sleep, a healthy mind, and healthy food. 
  • Some doctors also recommend stimulants. Medicines like ibuprofen will help you relieve the pain. Workaholics cannot start their day without a cup of coffee. Coffee, at times, can boost your mood and provide the energy kick that you may require to feel a bit energetic. Make sure you are not habitual to it. 
  • When you are sapped by fatigue, getting up from bed is also a task!  But research proves that mild to moderate workouts will help you loosen up some muscles. It will give you the morning “boost” you need.
  • Some persons with fatigue may need medical aid, therapy, or a support group to manage the recovery and adaption stages. Even though no treatment for CFS works for everyone, it is important to work closely with your doctor.
  • To develop good sleeping habits, you may want to begin adhering to a schedule. If you are in the habit of sleeping in the afternoon. You might want to skip that and instead sleep on time at night
  • You should avoid the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and even excessive caffeine. This will ease your probable insomnia. 
  • Keep a check on your stress levels. I understand it is easier said than done, but it is extremely crucial to manage stress in our lives
  • Pain associated with severe CFS can sometimes be alleviated via yoga, tai chi, acupuncture, and occasional massages. Always get your doctor’s approval before initiating any new treatment, including exercise or medicine.

Societal disputes

At this point, you must have understood that fatigue is difficult to live with. It invites myriad problems when it comes to its intensity and frequency. Trying to juggle with a limited amount of energy can be exhausting. Enjoyable tasks like hanging out with peers would seem daunting. 

An important problem that you may often feel is that this fatigue seems “invisible.” Also, it could get equally frustrating that people don’t understand it. It may make you appear disoriented and unconsidered. However, when some people try to understand the situation by running some errands for them, it helps. 


Although fatigue seems common and harmless, you shouldn’t accept it as normal if it has an impact on your life. Consult a medical professional for advice on determining and treating the underlying problem. Your doctor may also suggest that you change your daily routine, how much you exercise, and what you eat.

Contact your doctor if: 

  • Long-term tiredness
  • You struggle with work and daily tasks.
  • Fatigue has no obvious cause.

It is important to not neglect this as normal tiredness. Your health is important, and you’re not alone in this. Help is always available. Just know where to ask! 


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