The Ultimate Guide To Citation Styles: Which One Is Right For Your Paper?

Citation Styles

Researching and writing a paper is no easy feat, but it doesn’t end there. Once you’ve finished your project, you may be faced with the daunting task of correctly formatting your citations. With so many different styles available, which one should you use? This guide will provide an overview of the most common citation styles and help you determine which one is right for your paper.

Introduction to Citation Styles

There are many different citation styles out there to write my paper, and choosing the right one can be confusing. This guide will help you understand the different citation styles and when to use them.

What is a citation style?

A citation style is a set of rules for how to format your paper and cite your sources. Different disciplines use different styles, so it’s important to check with your professor before choosing a style. Here are some of the most common citation styles:

APA: The American Psychological Association’s style is commonly used in the social sciences.

APSA: The American Political Science Association’s style is used in political science and some other social science disciplines.

Chicago: The Chicago Manual of Style is used in many disciplines, especially history.

MLA: The Modern Language Association’s style is used in English and other humanities disciplines.

Turabian: A variation of the Chicago style, Turabian is often used in religious studies and some social sciences.

MLA Style

MLA style is most commonly used in the humanities, especially in English literature. MLA style uses parenthetical citations within the text to point the reader to the full citation in a Works Cited list at the end of the paper. MLA style also requires the use of in-text citations to point the reader to specific passages in your sources.

When using MLA style, you will need to consult the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (MLA 7th edition). The MLA Handbook provides detailed guidance on how to format your paper and create your Works Cited list.

APA Style

There are three main citation styles used in academic writing: MLA, APA, and Chicago. Each one has its own unique set of rules and guidelines for how to format your paper and citations. So which one should you use for your paper?

Here is a brief overview of each citation style:

MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used in the humanities, such as English, literature, and history. It uses parenthetical citations within the text to point to sources listed in a Works Cited page at the end of the paper.

APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used in the social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology. It uses in-text citations to point to sources listed in a Reference list at the end of the paper.

Chicago style is most commonly used in history papers. It uses footnotes or endnotes to point to sources listed in a Bibliography at the end of the paper.

Chicago Style

There are many different citation styles out there, but which one is right for your paper? Chicago style is a popular choice for many disciplines, particularly history and the humanities. This guide will help you learn everything you need to know about Chicago style, including how to format your paper, create in-text citations, and compile a bibliography.

Chicago style is a citation style that was developed by the University of Chicago. It is widely used in the humanities and social sciences, as well as in natural sciences and mathematics. One of the most distinctive features of Chicago style is its use of footnotes or endnotes for citations. This means that instead of creating a separate Works Cited page at the end of your paper, you will simply include citations next to each source that you use.

When formatting your paper in Chicago style, you will need to use 12-point Times New Roman font and double-space your text. Your paper should also have 1-inch margins on all sides. As for headings, Chicago style does not require you to use them, but if you do choose to use them, they should be centered and not bolded or underlined.

In terms of creating in-text citations,Chicago style uses a simple parenthetical system. For each source that you cite, you will need to include the author’s last name and the page number (or other location information) where the source was used. For example: (Smith 123).

Harvard Style

Harvard style is one of the most common citation styles used in academic writing. This style uses a system of in-text citations and a reference list to allow readers to locate the sources used in your paper. In-text citations are parenthetical references that include the author’s last name and the year of publication. Reference list entries include all of the information necessary to identify and locate each source.

If you are using Harvard style, you will need to include a reference list at the end of your paper. This list should include all of the sources that you used in your paper, arranged alphabetically by author’s last name. For each source, you will need to provide the publication information, such as the title, date, and page numbers.

AMA Style

The American Medical Association (AMA) style guide is used by authors writing in the medical and scientific fields. This citation style includes strict guidelines for how to format your paper, including requirements for margins, font size, and section headings. In-text citations must include the author’s last name, publication date, and page number(s). Reference list entries must be alphabetized by the first author’s last name.

If you are writing a paper for a medical or scientific journal, you will likely need to follow the AMA style guide. Even if you are not submitting your paper to a journal, you may still choose to use this citation style if it is required by your instructor or if you are writing about a medical or scientific topic.

Turabian/Chicago Manual of Style

Turabian/Chicago Manual of Style is a citation style that is most commonly used in history and other humanities disciplines. This style is also used in business, education, and the natural sciences. Turabian/Chicago Manual of Style is known for its use of footnotes or endnotes, which are provided at the bottom of each page or at the end of each chapter. This citation style also uses a bibliographic entry at the end of the paper that provides full publication information for all sources cited in the paper.

IEEE Formatting & Citation Guidelines

There are a few different citation styles that are commonly used by IEEE. The most popular ones are IEEE referencing style and Vancouver referencing style.

IEEE referencing style is mostly used in technical papers. This style uses parenthetical citations within the text to reference specific sources. The author’s name and the year of publication are given in the parentheses, followed by the page number if it’s relevant. For example: (Smith, 2020, p. 23).

Vancouver referencing style is often used in medical papers. This style uses numbered citations within the text to reference specific sources. The numbers correspond to the full citations listed in a reference list at the end of the paper. For example: 1. Smith J. The importance of citation styles. 2020;23(1):23-24.


In summary, choosing the right citation style for your paper is an important part of ensuring that you provide accurate and reliable references. With so many different citation styles to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is best for your work. However, by following our guide and understanding the differences between each style, you should now have a better idea of which one will suit your needs.


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